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School Compact & Parent Engagement Policy

Office Phone: (
951)736-3348  |  FAX: (951) 736-7145
Address:1700 Temescal Ave, Norco, CA 92860

Principal: Mr. Russ Shriver
Email: [email protected]

Assistant Principal: Suzanne Adame
Email: [email protected]

Principal's Secretary: Ms. Eva Martinez
Attendance: Mrs. Jennifer Weber
Records: Millie Robles
Heath Clerk: Suzie Ramirez 

Our Mission

Norco Elementary School is a community dedicated to student success, academic competence and social confidence. We operate by several core principles that guide our decisions:

• Everyone is responsible for academic and social growth – school, child and family.
• Every child is capable, and we work together to find the best pathways to achievement.
• Building strong relationships creates a more effective learning environment.
• Using our collective expertise as a team leads to the best outcomes for students.
• We believe in personal excellence and constant improvement.

About Us

A community dedicated to student success, academic competence and social confidence!
Norco Elementary School is a school of approximately 600 students in a city whose motto is "City Living in a Rural Atmosphere." Norco Elementary houses three distinct programs: 1) four special education classrooms for students with learning disabilities and for CNUSD's Deaf / Hard of Hearing Program 2) four GATE magnet classes, and 3) fifteen regular education classrooms. Our caring teachers and professionally trained specialists meet high standards, offer constant encouragement, emphasize student strengths, and work together in collaboration to create a positive school experience for every child. Teachers plan together by grade levels (horizontally) and across the grade levels (vertically) for curriculum and program excellence. The entire school focuses on character and "lifeskills" to ensure school success and a continuation of that success throughout a child's lifetime.

Positive School Climate
Because Norco Elementary recognizes the value of positive citizenship, we have programs designed to promote positive attitudes and behavior. We teach and reward the demonstration of "lifeskills" such as responsibility, citizenship, friendship, and perseverance. Teachers stress character building through vocabulary activities, stories, reading selections, and use of the Second Step curriculum adopted by the school district. Our students are greeted at the door with a handshake, share good things about their life to start their day right, use Social Contracts in the classroom to develop self-discipline and group accountability, and are "launched" out the door with positive messages about their great abilities and making good choices. Students are recognized monthly for perfect attendance, are able to eat lunch with the Principal for demonstrating positive life skills and are able to receive awards at monthly assemblies for demonstrating Character (Principal's Award), academic achievement (Student of the Month Award), and academic improvement (Teacher's Choice Award). Our Mustang Motivators are handed out to students "caught being good", and each morning Mustang Motivators are called to the office for special recognition.

Parent-Community Involvement
The community and parents work together with Norco Elementary staff to provide rigorous quality instruction for our students. Parent input and time is a welcome asset. Parents volunteer time in classrooms, join and serve in our PTA, as well as our School Site Council. Several businesses in our community have become involved in our events and fund-raisers. Our outstanding PTA sponsors the following: book fairs, blood drives, disaster preparedness, Reflections contest, food and clothing drive, an annual carnival, field trips, Student Store, student incentives, assemblies and programs for students.

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